

Of course, we do cupping at Screaming Octopus. Massage cupping is often requested at Screaming Octopus.  This ancient technique is also known as “negative pressure” in which instead of pushing down on the tissue is lifted to loosen muscles, loosen the fascia, encourage blood flow and help with the process of eliminating metabolic waste in the tissue.   For those that do not like the traditional pressure but still like the effects of a deep tissue massage.

Please hydrate and nourish yourself well before cupping


  • Severe illness related to kidney, heart, or liver

  • Cardiac or Renal failure

  • Blood disorders such as the inability to clot or excessive bruising

  • Clients with ascites or severe edema

  • Leukemia patients

  • Undergoing chemo or radiation

  • Pregnant (Check with your therapist)